Senin, 26 Desember 2011

to be acquainted with geography


good morning,,all..

how are you??

do you know, what is geography??

how do we can learning all about geography in the school??

this web especially to you for learning geography...
don't worry about your problem in learning geography..
geography is easy, boy...
remember,,very very easy...

not believe me??

okay,, do you know a map?

in a short word, map is a flat picture of earth...

why am i say it??

attention the earth,,do you know the form of earth??

circle or overall....

a map easy us for searching a location or the other in the earth,,,you can search a holiday place, you can search a mountain,hill,beach..and the other.. if you want spent your holiday, you can getting the place you want,,everywhere, eventually this world...

don't faill in learning about geography, because this study learning about your country and this world until sky and outer space...

study geography can you learn in everywhere, in bedroom until cyberspace with internet...

so,,enjoyed study geography my student... :)